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TeleStroke Observership
TPA Delivery Training
TPA Delivery Training Part 1 (6:19)
TPA Delivery Training Part 2 (11:46)
TPA Delivery Training Part 3 (11:04)
Break Dance - Stroke Alert (7:59)
Conversion disorder stroke case (11:37)
Hemorrhagic Stroke Case (16:14)
Old man left sided weakness stroke case (6:47)
Pregnancy Stroke Case (9:36)
Video game addiction stroke case (14:55)
Opioid Reversal or Stroke For TPA (5:26)
Stroke Case of Left Basal Ganglia (3:46)
Adult ADHD Patient and Cocaine user Gets Stroke, stopping Medication (3:58)
Alcohol Use Disorder Patient in For Acute Stroke (3:16)
125 year old patient comes in for a stroke alert (6:16)
35 year old female with stroke and diabetes with blood pressure (5:30)
55 year old patient on Chemotherapy with right sided weakness (3:59)
35 year old female with ishcemic stroke, and on Low Molecular Weight Heparin Prophylaxis, TPA (10:18)
Prostate cancer and Mets to the Brain Stroke Alert (10:14)
Radiology Fundamentals
Case #1 Cerebral Blood Flow What is it? (3:17)
Case #2 This is an MRI DWI Scan (1:17)
Case #3. CT Conversion Disorder Case No Alteplase Given (3:17)
Case #4 Transient Global Amnesia Patient (1:07)
Case #5 MRIDWI (1:06)
Case #6 Left M2 Occlusion with Aphasia and Right Weakness (2:07)
Case #7. Right M2 Occlusion (1:43)
Case #8. Hyperintensity Weighted DWI RAPID (1:17)
Case #9. MRI Diffusion weighted Imaging (1:06)
Case #10. left MCA Perfusionabnorm (1:58)
Case #11 CTA head:neck normal but some abnormal Core infarct findings bilaterally (2:39)
Case #12 Perfusion Head Showing Right Cortical Infarction No Intervention (3:31)
Case #13 Patient with left facial Droop NIHSS is 1, no alteplase given because non disabiling stroke (0:54)
Case 14 Right MCA AND Left MCA:PCA Infarct (1:55)
Case #15 (1:53)
Case 16 Large Area of Core and smaller area of penumbra probably would not go in Talk to Interventionalist regardless.mp4 (1:08)
17. Left MCA Occlusion M2 Branch Excellent Outcome (1:18)
18. Opioid Overdose Scan, Bad Scan not adequate perfusion (1:46)
19. Right M2 cutoff Case Good Mismatch would go in, with elevated NIHSS (1:09)
20. Seizure CT PErfusion Study (1:22)
NoAlteplase Case #21 (0:38)
Case #22 Right PCA:MCA Watershed (1:39)
Case #23 Left M2 Occlusion (1:07)
Case #24 Patient with Distal M2, Prox M1 (1:21)
Case # 25 Patient With Seizure (1:06)
Case $26 Aspects Score is 8 Alteplase Given (1:34)
Case #27 Seizure Hyperemia (0:53)
Case #28 No Hemorrhage, Aspects 0 (0:21)
Case #29 LVO. M2 Left, No Alteplase Was Given on Eliquis (1:28)
Case #30 Cerebral Neuroanatomy (1:10)
Case #31 Posterior Circulation Does Not Show Up Well on Perfusion (0:51)
Case #32 Nice Basilar Artery (0:53)
Case #33 Anatomy (1:46)
Case #34 Patient has Transient Global Amnesia (0:45)
Case 35 Large Area of Core and smaller area of penumbra probably would not go in Talk to Interventionalist regardless (1:08)
Case #36 Should I give alteplase to this 91 year old male (0:45)
Case #37 Anterior Circulation Anatomy (0:33)
Case #38 Anatomy Discussed Middle Cerebral Arteries (1:16)
Case #39 Ischemia to the left and right frontal area (1:20)
Case#40 Patient within window progressing INR 1.7 (1:28)
Case #42 Repeat your Scan if you have to(Dont get convinced by lazy techs) (0:49)
Case #41 Don't Make Decisions Solely on the Scan - Think Clinical Picture - 2020 (1:28)
Case #43 PRES can bleed. so in this case discuss with the radiologist (1:30)
Case #44 Right sided completed infarction (1:02)
Case #45 Aspects score would be 6, No Intervention in 2020 (0:50)
Case #46 Patient has a hemorrhage in the right cerebellum, dont give Alteplase (0:43)
Case #47. Anatomy Review mp4 (1:07)
Case #48 Paitent has left sided Hemispheric Infarction (1:49)
Case #49 Left Cerebellar Infarct 3.5 months prior TPA? (0:53)
Case #50 Does this patient have a hemorrhage? (1:00)
Case #51 Perfusion Scan of Patient with a Opioid Overdose, Should We give Aleteplase? (1:30)
Case#52 Patient with Sudden Onset Headache Should we give TPA? (1:16)
case 53, History of ICH should we give TPA, what is aspects?,mp4 (0:33)
Case #54- Anatomy Review (0:59)
Case 55- Right MCA Occlusion No Intervention (1:08)
Case 56, Right Sided Hypodensity Large Area No Alteplase (1:58)
Case 56- Right MCA Occlusion No Intervention (1:08)
Case 57, Right Sided Hypodensity Large Area No Alteplase (1:58)
Case #58 Patient outisde of Alteplase Window presents with APHASIA send for Thrombectomy (2:16)
CASE #59 Melanoma Headache TPA? (0:54)
Case #60 Right M1:M2 Occlusion TPA Ok, LVO Intervention? (1:06)
Case #61 Should we give tPA to this patient? (1:26)
Case 62 Encephalomalacia TPA? (0:30)
66 year old male with measurable focal deficit, should you give tPA? (1:01)
Case 63 Anatomy Review with left parietal infarcts (1:07)
Case 65 Anatomy (0:54)
Case 64 Anatomy Review Arteries (1:25)
Case 66 Should you give TPA to this Patient with INR 1.7 (0:32)
Case 67, Patient with INR 1.71 Should be given tPA or Not (0:32)
Case 68 Should a patient with a right PCA Infarction vs. Migraine Headache get Alteplase? (1:28)
case #69 tpa or not? (3:17)
Case 71 (1:52)
Case 70 Should we give Alteplase to a Pregnant Woman (1:52)
Case #71 Numbness (1:52)
Case #72 Large Right MCA Ischemic Changes (0:59)
Case #72 Large Right MCA Ischemic Changes (0:59)
Case #73Figure things out and go slow (1:11)
Case #74 Always Ask For Chest Pain Symptoms In Your Patient No Matter What (1:53)
Case #75- High Blood Pressure Management How To Treat Just because your doing an NIHSS does not mean you forget about BP (1:12)
Case 76- Door Time Last Known Well (1:43)
Case 78 Always Get an Exact Weight (1:16)
Case #79 NIHSS (1:03)
Case 77 NIHSS Question 2(Orotracheal., Aphasia - stuperous 2) (1:03)
Case 78 New NIHSS Step 3 - BestGazePalsey (1:03)
Case #79- NIHSS 3 - Following Commands Eyes tight blink hands (1:05)
Case #80 MinorParalysis (1:03)
Case#81 - Legs right and left - against gravity no movement (1:03)
Case 84 Clear Explanation For the choice (1:03)
Case 82 - Ataxia NIHSS Exam (1:03)
83 NIHSS Sensory Exam (1:03)
Case 85 NIHSS with Aphasia (1:03)
Case 86 - Dysarthria (1:03)
87. NIHSS Extinction, simultaneous thoughts (1:03)
Case # 88- Patient on PradaxaPT:INR (1:07)
Case 89- Intraxial vs. Extraxial Tumors and TPA (1:05)
Case 90- History of Hemorrhage (1:54)
Case 91 - History of Giant Unruptured Aneurysm >> 10 millimeters (0:47)
Prostate cancer and Mets to the Brain Stroke Alert
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